The product came in original packaging, in a bag, not in a box like other sellers. Like everything came as ordered. On the street I'll check, integrity, unsubscribe.
Wonderful boxes for small things. There is the same size (on the photo on the left) but in it the size of the cells with partitions will not adjust, as in this. And a better clasp.
Product was delivered to Poland in around 1 month. Device works properly. Quality of sound is good. Audiocast is not recognized as chromecast device by apps, which are not not predefined in Audiocast S application.
The mug came very quickly, looks sealed, simple, as I wanted. Now it remains to try on the cup holder in the car :) the bottom is rubberized. I'm happy with the purchase.
Customer Reviews (1668)
US$ 25.50
US$ 42.00
US$ 4.80
US$ 128.00
US$ 0.89
US$ 31.00
US$ 3.05
US$ 0.08
US$ 2.00
US$ 1.95
US$ 2.46
US$ 3.99
US$ 0.05
US$ 1.55
US$ 1.90
US$ 0.70
US$ 16.99
US$ 2.50
US$ 25.00
US$ 0.67