Nice umbrella. Super fast shipping. Courier directly into the hands of quality at altitude, works perfectly. I recommend definitely the seller and the goods.
Delivery is fast, it came in 7 days. With the seller did not communicate, sent quickly. the goods of excellent quality. Plus the seller put a gift, very nice!
Customer Reviews (1668)
US$ 3.00
US$ 41.80
US$ 0.31
US$ 3.10
US$ 0.35
US$ 8.00
US$ 1.90
US$ 6.90
US$ 2.74
US$ 0.09
US$ 8.50
US$ 0.11
US$ 100.00
US$ 10.00
US$ 41.00
US$ 45.00
US$ 0.11
US$ 6.00
US$ 1.50
US$ 342.00